Android Tips: Schedule Text Messages To Be Sent Later

Text Later is a free app that lets you schedule when your text messages will be sent. It also lets you edit unsent scheduled messages and notifies you when the message has been delivered. It’s a great way to write birthday, reminder or anniversary messages in advance.

Open the app, then tap Schedule SMS. Tap the To column and start typing the name of the recipient, then tap the relevant name from the autosuggest options. Add further names and repeat this process if you want to include other recipients. Tap ‘Tap to compose’, type your message, then tap Date Not Set. You’ll see the month, date and the time (see screenshot below). Set the schedule by swiping the month, date and time sliders SO the correct values are in the centre (and in bold), then tap Set. Check your message and settings and then click the Send icon at the top right.

To edit a scheduled message, tap view Scheduled. Tap a message to open it and then tap the Pencil icon at the top to edit the recipient’s details, the message itself or the scheduled time. If you want to delete the message, tap the Bin icon at the top.
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