Your Phone Will Read Your Mind

In August, Google bought Emu (, a mobile app that uses artificial Intelligence to learn the behaviour of Its users. Although it does not strictly tap into your emotions at least not yet. It is able to grab lots of tit-bits of information from your devices and make predictions about what you’ll want to do next.

For example, it may well be that you receive a message asking to go for a coffee at a certain time on a particular day. Emu is able to check your calendar before you get a chance to and let you know if you are free.

The more data Emu gathers about you, the more it can assume your next move without you having to think about what that will be. Adding emotion would make this an even more effective process in the future - it would be able to work out if you would be happy or sad at missing that coffee and possibly make some rearrangements on your behalf.

Now, Emu is no longer be available in the iTunes store (it was withdrawn on 25 August), but it will be interesting to see what Google plans to do with the app let’s hope it’s not merely exploited as an advertising tool.
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