How Effective Google AdWords campaign for Getting More Sell For Your Business

There is no better way to understand the effects of your website showing up on the first page of Google for a particular keyword than instantly getting it and seeing how many sales you make from it. This is essentially what you can do with a Google Adwords campaign. For a few hundred dollars, you can get your website to show up above the regular (organic) search results, in the shaded Sponsored Results area. While the sponsored results are less trusted by the average searcher than the organic results, there are definite advantages to spearheading an SEO effort with a brief Google Adwords campaign.

sponsored section in google search
Sponsored Section in Google Search Result

Benefit of Running a Paid Campaign on Google

The most significant benefit of running a paid campaign on Google is that you can quickly learn which keywords produce the most sales for you. In the keyword selection process, this knowledge is invaluable. Not only can you try out the couple of keywords you think would bring the most benefits for your business, you can try out hundreds of keywords at once and not pay unless someone clicks on your ad. In doing so, you can might stumble upon the fact that the plural of your main keyword  performs much better than the singular; one of your three most obvious keywords outperforms the other two by a wide margin; or some random keyword you never would have thought of is a sleeper, producing numerous sales.

Understanding of Best Performing Keywords in Google Adwords Campaign

When you gain a better understanding of your best performing keywords, you can gradually wean yourself off the expensive Google AdWords system and focus on SEO (although there is nothing wrong with keeping a pay-per-click campaign running at the same time as doing SEO, as long as you are carefully watching the campaign to make sure you are making more money than you are spending.) Google AdWords can work very well for targeting lesser-searched keywords in your industry because of the rule that you pay only when someone clicks. There are many people that use paid search only for lesser-searched keywords and focus their entire SEO efforts on the three or four big keywords that bring in the most sales; this approach works well.  

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