Uber Should Not Be Ban In India After Delhi Rape Case

We all know that a horrible incident took place few days before in New Delhi. A 27 year old woman was raped by Uber’s cab driver when she was returning from office. The uber’s taxi driver was arrested within 48 hours and after a day government banned Uber in India. Uber is multinational taxi service provider and working in India since 2006.

uber rapist shiv kumar yadav
Rapiest Taxi Driver

The accused Shiv Kumar Yadav sent to jail till 24th December. He was accused of raped many more rape cases prior to this incident. The question is why a rape accused get bail in India. Why Indian government banned Uber. Why 25000 rape cases were registered so far in India in 2014.

We are Indians, and yes we are free to tease any girl, we are free to comment on a girl even 25000 rape cases shows that we are Indians. Here our bujurg (oldies) will ask girls not to wear shorts but they will never ask their son to behave like human outside of home. Girls are always questioned on their clothes because men are not behaving like human being. There are many videos on web which shows awaken of men when a woman walks in shorts. Why always girls. These types of men need mental treatment or it would be better if government send those morons to mars.

Oh, I have just mentioned government then let me tell you that there are many rape accused sitting in parliament. There are many cases where Member of Parliament found watching porn in parliament. But that’s none of my business. I don’t protest if they watch porn in parliament, I even don’t care if some have tons of black money but I need one answers “When rape cases will stop in India”. Okay, when it’ll at least decrease and what our government doing to stop such cases.

Is there any action plan after rape in Uber’s taxi in New Delhi?

I don’t think so, but they are doing good lipa poti. Home Minister Rajnath Singh said that there are 200 cameras in buses and more are being install in public places. Good, but this will not reduce such cases. These bastards (Rapist) know that they will be in jail for surebut they don’t have fear at all. So your cameras are useless and you know what this is bullshit.
Coming to the topic, why uber should not ban in India. We don’t have a problem if you ban Uber and all other web-based radio taxi provider. But I have few points as follows:
  • Why Uber should not be banned in India: There is no metro after 10:30 PM in New Delhi. So government should answer how a woman will reach home safely if she missed her last metro. Uber should not ban because their service helped many women to reach their home safely since 2006.
  • What was the government doing for women safety after Nirbhya Kand of 2012. Government should run metros 24 hours. Install GPS in Public transportation especially in radio taxies.
  • How Shiv Kumar Yadav got clean cheat from Police when he was accuse of rape case. Stupid question, we all knows how he found that. So will ever these policemen give up their kharcha pani tendency?
uber rapiest police verification

  • Even they don’t write missing phone complain without Rs 100. Cops should be more accountable.
  • Why not appoint a policeman in every private as well as government buses. If government has short of them then recruit more na.
  • Last but not least, have some shame. You politicians are playing blame game but none of you met that woman.

Open Letter to The Indian Government

December 13th 2014

The Indian Government
Hope you are all doing well in your AC offices and your loved ones are also having fun safely. But do you ever think you are there because of common people. Don’t you think we deserve better. Incident like rapes is shaming India in all over the world. If you can’t provide women safety in the capital of our country then please resign. Coming to Honorable Prime Minister of India, I’m a big fan of you and you called as man of action. Then why there is no solid action to stop rapes. I know that soon there is the election in New Delhi that’s why you don’t want mass protest like Nirbhaya Kand again. Don’t worry; people are much busy to enjoy debates over news channels. But please send these rapists to mars. We will pay extra tax if you need fund. But banning companies like Uber is not real solution and if you think it was nice decision then please ban buses and trains too. I’m not enough qualified, but I’m sure you people are enough qualified to stop this kind of horrible incidents. Can you please do some real work towards women safety? This is embarrassing.
                                                                                                            A Concerned Citizen

Government is not the only one who is responsible for rapes in India but people mentality should be change with time. They should control population, why to have 4-6 children when you can’t provide education and other basic needs. Have 1-2 kids and give them better education. Don’t make them doctor and engineers but make them human first. We always blame the government, but we have some duties too. Make India proud.

Swaraj Rai

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