Scam: Why Should You Use Commission Junction For Hostgator Affiliate

The main reason for not using hostgator affiliate program directly is their tremendous inactive, pending and invalid sales. Hostgator affiliate system is not scam but most complicated hosting affiliate, when webmaster uses it directly.   

What is direct hostgator affiliate sales?

If we sign up for hostgator affiliate from their website and put the hostgator ad on our blog/website. Now hostgator affiliate ad will be live on our blog/website and if a visitor buy by clicking on hostgator ad, it will be direct affiliate sales. 

Whats the issue with Hostgator direct affiliate sales?

If you are using hostgator affiliate program directly, you may face issues like inactive sales, pending sales and invalid sales. Lets elaborate it...

What is inactive sales?

You will see status as inactive if a buyer has not make payment yet. 

What is pending sales?

Pending status shows that sales are not approved yet by hostgator affiliate team. Once a sell generated from your blog/website it will be in pending until it gets flag as valid or invalid sale.

What is invalid sales?

If it will be found as violation of hostgator affiliate term and condition then sales will be invalid. You will not get anything for invalid sales.

Now main issue with hostgator direct affiliate is that either their program is very complicated or they are cheating webmasters. Yes, you may find hostgator affiliate as scam if you are using it directly. I have generated 7 sales during black friday and cyber monday sales but what I'm seeing is lots of inactive and invalid sales. Don't know why...

Poor support 

When I mailed to affiliate manager regarding this issue, not replying back. Shocked... Its totally unprofessional. At least they should reply to webmasters but hostgator is less concerned about their affiliate marketers. All other good web hosting affiliate managers are more concerned regarding their affiliate. Hostgator is eating your affiliate money so I would recommend to use Bluehost and affiliates instead of hostgator. 

Hostgator affiliate scam

But, hard truth is that hostgator is a leading web hosting company and as a webmaster we can not afford to avoid using their affiliate program because of high conversion and handsome affiliate money.

How to use Hostgator affiliate program without being scammed?

Webmasters can use hostgaor affiliate program to earn four figure monthly by generating only 10 sales. Yes, but always use hostgator affiliate program from Commission Junction. By using CJ we can be sure about our sales. There will be no issue like inactive and invalid sales. If your sales is genuine you will get payed for sure. 

Another good reason for using hostgator affiliate through Commission Junction is they are paying 100$ per sale. All you have to do is generate only 10 sales per month to get four figure income which is like piece of cake if your audience is targeted.

Do let us know if you know any other good web hosting affiliate program.
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