Information Technology Question Bank

In this post i'm gonna give you set of question that will help you in the exam of first semester.

1- Analog computer uses:-

(i) Measuring method                                                                         (ii) Counting method 

Ans- (ii)

2- Bytes are sequence of :-

(i) 16 bits                                                                                           (ii) 8 bits

Ans:- (ii)

3- A single binary digit is called :-

(i) Bit                                                                                                 (ii) Byte

Ans:- (i)

4- The largest value that can be represented by a single byte is :-

(i) 255                                                                                               (ii) 254

Ans:- (i)

5- Sequence of instruction is called :-

(i) Computer rules                                                                              (ii) Computer program

Ans:- (ii)

6- Storage unit may store programs. (Trure/False)

(i) True                                                                                              (ii) False

Ans:- (i) Yes it is true. Storage unit can store programs which must be loaded into the memory before execution.   

7- Which of the following language are portable type language :-

(i) Low level language                                                                       (ii) High level language

Ans:- (ii)

8- Fortran, C, Pascal, Lisp, COBOL are :-

(i) High level language                                                                       (ii) Low level language

Ans:- (i)

9- Hybrid computer uses :-

(i) Analog Signal                             (ii) Digital Signal                         (iii) Both

Ans:- (iii)

10- Generally we uses :-

(i) Microcomputer    (ii) Minicomputer    (iii) Mainframe computer    (iv) Supercomputer

Ans:- (i)

11- CPU is :-

(i) Multiple circuit chip                                                                      (ii) Single integrated circuit chip

Ans:- (ii)

12- Age of Minicomputer started in :-

(i) Late 1970                                                                                   (ii) Late 1960

Ans:- (ii)

13- Mainframes may have upto _____ processors :-

(i) 10                        (ii)6                                 (iii) 12                      (iv) 8

Ans:- (iv)

14- Speed of mainframes measured in :-

(i) Megaflops                                                                                   (ii) Gigaflops

Ans:- (i)

15- Speed of supercomputer measured in :-

(i) Megaflops                                                                                   (ii) Nanoseconds and gigaflops

Ans:- (ii)

16- Microprograms that are stored in ROM and can not be modified is called :-

(i) Software                                                                                     (ii) Firmware

Ans:- (ii)

17- BIOS is a :-

(i) Software                                                                                      (ii) Firmware

Ans:- Firmware

18-Which of the following contains math co-processor chip :-

(i) Hard Disk                                                                                    (ii) Motherboard                                          

Ans:- (ii) Explanation- Math co-processor chip helps CPU in processing of mathematical calculations.

19-Track Balls is :-

(i) Input Device                                                                                (ii) Output Device

Ans:- (i)

20- Keyboard which causes wrist problems :-

(i) Dvorak Keyboard                                                                        (ii) Membrance switch Keyword

Ans:- (ii)

21- POS stands for :-

(i) Point of scale                                                                                (ii) Point of service

Ans:- (i) Explanation- POS registers send data directly to a computer file for later processing.

22- A mouse may have ___ buttons :-

(i) 3                            (ii) 5                               (iii) 6                        (iv) 4

Ans:-  (iv) Explanation- A mouse may have 4 buttons but usually have 2.

23- MICR stands for :-

(i) Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

(ii) Magnetic Ink Character Reader

Ans:- (i) Explanation- MICR is used in banking to read the cheques. MICR has not been adopted by other industry because character set has only 14 character.

24- Bar code readers read the :-

(i) Universal Product Code (UPC)

(ii) Binary Product Code

Ans:- (i)

25- UPC was introduced in :-

(i) 1980                                                                                                (ii) 1970

Ans:- (ii)

26- Light pen is used for :-

(i) Computer Aided Design (CAD) applications

(ii) Spreadsheet applications

Ans:- (i)

27- OCR stands for :-

(i) Optical Character Recognition

(ii) Optical Character Reader

Ans:- (i)

28- VUI stands for :-

(i) Vocal User Interface

(ii) Voice User Interface

Ans:- (ii)

29- Graphic display is made up of a series of dots called _______ :-

(i) Image

(ii) Pixcels

Ans:- (ii)

30- CRT stands for :-

(i) Cathode Ray Tube

(ii) Cathode Rays Tube

Ans:- (i)

31- LCD stands for :-

(i) Liquid Crystal Display

(ii) Light Crystal Display

Ans:- (i)

32- LC stands for :-

(i) Location Counter

(ii) Location Center

Ans:- (i)

33- TIL stands for :-

(i) Table of  Incomplete Information

(ii) Text Information Language

Ans:- (i)

34- Translation on a statement by statement basis is called _______.

(i) Unsign pass translation

(ii) Sign pass translation

Ans:- (ii)

35- Computers understands High Level Language. (True/False).

(i) True

(ii) False

Ans:- (i) True, Computers does not understand High Level Language. To execute a HLL program, it should be converted into machine language.

36- Compiler translates HLL into machine language. (True/ False)

(i) True

(ii) False

Ans:- (i)

37- Magnetic tape capacity is measured in bytes per inch (bpi), knows as the ____________.

(i) Tape capacity

(ii) Tape density

Ans:- (ii)

38- Low density tapes generally stores :-

(i) 1700 bpi

(ii) 1600 bpi

Ans:- (ii)

39- High density tapes generally stores :-

(i) 5687 bpi

(ii) 6250 bpi

Ans:- (ii)

40- The newest magnetic tapes called R-DATs, can store more than ____ gigabytes on a single 90 meter tape.

(i) 12

(ii) 14

Ans:- (ii)

41- The speed, storage capability and cost of tape are reasons why it is still used as a backup medium. (True/False)

(i) True

(ii) False

Ans:- (i)

42- Magnetic tape has ________ access of data.

(i) Random

(ii) Sequential

Ans:- (ii)

43- Disk drives are _______ devices.

(i) Mechanical

(ii) Electical

Ans:- (i)

44- Magnetic disk has ______ access of data.

(i) Random

(ii) Sequential

Ans:- (i)

45- Types of magnetic disks are _______ and _______.

Ans:- Floppy disk and Hard disk. Most of today's personal computers are equipped with both.

46- Data is recorded on disk in concentric circular bands called ______.

Ans:- Tracks.




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