How To Make A Website

In this post I'm gonna tell you how can you build your own website for free of cost. There are numerous benefits to designing a website using HTML5,including the fact that you don’t need to use Flash for audio or video, and your site will display perfectly on mobile browsers. 

The latest version of the excellent easy-to-use Webeden site builder( lets you create and publish your sites in HTML5, and you can even migrate existing sites created in the previous version of the tool (V5) to the new format. When you build a Dektop site, a mobile one is created at the same time so it works on any device. There are also new options for formatting text, as well as new menu widgets. 

This is free but your site will be as www. Your Site Name. Means they'll provide a sub domain of it. But still good if you don't want to pay for buying domain name and space. 

Thanks for reading!

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