If you usually use a shared Internet Dongle than you might come across a problem of device locking on daily basis. You friend might lock the device for some hours so that you cannot use it. Well you might be thinking that if there is any way to sneak into the device and snatch up the password to unlock the device. Well below is the simple workaround which you follow to get your password and login to your device.
Well this tutorial is just educational purpose, so that in difficult times you have the ability to get your device lock free, do not use this on unauthorized dongle device. Just follow the below steps to unlock the device password.
- Navigate to C:\Program Files\Tata Photon+\Huawei\userdata [Installation Folder]
- Now open
the code in it will look something like below.<?xml version=”1.0? encoding=”UTF-8??>
</utpsdoc> - Well you might be able to see that LockPassword line containing your password in between opening and closing tags that’s 1234, it might be something else for your dongle but this is the password and now you can use it to unlock your device.
- Well hopefully this trick will work and will benefit you overall, if you find out this pst useful do share with your friends it might help them too.