The Link Building Process in GIF Form

Another quiet morning in the office so you decide to check your ranking reports…
But you discover that your competitors are outranking you with link spam
So off you go sending emails to bloggers and webmasters hunting for links…
But then you hit email number 58 and you’re all….
So you have a diet coke and keep on going…
So you wait…
And wait …
And your inbox starts looking like…
And you’re all like…
So you try the phone because you read about it on a blog once
But it doesn’t go to plan…
Eventually you get a link from a PR2 domain…
Then another from a PR4…
And then you get a link from a PR8 and inside you’re…
You tell your bosses and they’re all…
But your offline friends are like…
Except for that one guy who’s also an SEO…
The next morning you find your competitors have been following your footprints…
So at first…
But it’s soon back to…

And it feels pretty good!

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