Use HootSuite to Social-Network Your Site More Easily

Social networking can attract new visitors and encourage return visits. HootSuite helps you by submitting posts to any or all the networks at once. Log In to the site at and connect your services. You can’t add Pages from Facebook/Google+ without the associated personal profile, though you can remove it later.

To post a message in more than one social network at a time, go to ‘Click to select a social network' and add any sites you want to from the list below. If you manage a lot, you can pin them or mark them as favorites. Type the text into Compose message. Paste links into Add a link and click Send Now.

Successful posts can be all about timing. If you tend to do your social networking in spurts, try automatically spreading your posts through the day. Click the Scheduling icon and choose a date and time to send the post. To spread out a lot of posts, consider using Auto Schedule.

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