Advance Google Search Features

Watch Google’s search wall

Google’s dazzling, multi-colored search wall ( shows you trending searches in the UK in real time. Google urges you to go full-screen to experience the ‘biggest purest eye candy”. Click the top-left icon to reduce the size of the grid and the menu at the bottom to view search trends in a different country.

Search the web with Google using just your voice

Chrome now lets you search Google using your voice. Click the microphone icon to the right of the search bar then allow Google to access your PC’s microphone. The results are a bit erratic, but it’s an interesting glimpse into the future of search.

Search for flights in Google

Earlier this year Google launched its flight search tool in the UK ( can filter searches by airline, stops, duration and price, although results don’t currently include Ryanair, Lufthansa. easyJet, Thomas Cook and Aer Lingus. Click the bar-chart icon in the top-right corner to see the lowest fares for a particular period.

Search instantly in Google’s Street View
Instant Google Street View (www.instantstreetviewcom presents instant results as you search in Street View, like a visual equivalent of Google’s instant search service. Start typing ‘Buckingham Palace’, for example and you whizz through Buenos Aires. Bucharest. Buckinghamshire and other locations before arriving at your destination, It’s a fun, random way to see the world.

Find out how search works
How Search Works is an interesting new site from Google that explains the complex search process that leads to your simple page of results, “from algorithms to answers”. It does so using a long info graphic called The Story, which combines facts, colorful illustrations and pop-up windows of relevant information. You can view live examples of the type of spam pages Google removes. Other sections cover how the search engine crawls and indexes trillions of documents and its policies for deleting content.
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