Good morning readers! Finally the most awaited day comes. I, you and everyone was waiting for 16th May 2014 because result of General Election 2014 is going to be declared today. Supporters of every candidate were waiting for this historical day when result of India General Election 2014 will be announced. I'm going to tell you how you can watch trends and results of general election 2014.

1- Go to website of Election Commission of India (www.eciresults.nic.inand get the results and trends.

2-Trends and result will be available from 8:00 AM onwards on 16th May, 2014.

Now I'm going to tell you which candidate I support. Guess? Its one and only most popular and honest person "Respected Narendra Modi Ji". Sir I only want to say you that I'm big fan of you and you are gonna Rock.. Abki Bar Modi Sarkar. Wish You Success!
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