Write Single Name On Facebook Profile

Some celebrities are so famous they only need one name - think Madonna, Bono, Sting, Prince, Morrissey and, of course, Lulu. If you have an unusual first name or a one-word nickname, you might want to use it on Facebook. There’s just one problem – the social network insists on displaying both your first and last names. However, you can just have one name showing by pretending to be from Indonesia, where it’s common for people to go by a single name. You can do this by signing up using a proxy server that lets you pretend to be in Indonesia. You’ll find an extensive list of these at Free Proxy Lists (www.freeproxylists.net/id.html), but make sure you choose one of the servers that will keep you anonymous.

Go by a single name on Facebook

Log into Facebook and then pick an Indonesian proxy from Free Proxy Lists. In Chrome, go to Settings and click ‘Show advanced settings’. Under Network, click the ‘Change proxy settings’ button.The Internet Properties window will open. Click the ‘LAN settings’ button.

Tick ‘Use a proxy server for your LAN’. Enter the Indonesian proxy IP in the Address box and add the port number. Make sure ‘Bypass proxy server for local addresses’ is ticked and then click OK, and OK again. Switch to Facebook. You can check the proxy is working by adding a location to a post.

Open Facebook settings, change the language to Bahasa Indonesia’ and click Save Changes. Click ‘Sunting’ (edit) next to your ‘Nama’ and remove the surname. You can add an alternative name. Save the change, entering your password in the box. Finally, revert back to English and remove the proxy. 

Done. Comment below for any help.
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