Simple Trick of Facebook Photos Verification: Alternative Method Of Facebook Photo Verification

Facebook photo verification trick is most asked question in Facebook groups and my followers also requested me to write a post on "how to open blocked Facebook account" because they have failed to identify friends' photos.

Facebook is working hard to make sure that everyone is using their real identity but sometimes we stuck in it. Facebook ask us to identify photos of 5 friends but most of time verification photos are not real, it is tagged photos. So we couldn't identify and we got blocked.

Few month ago, my Facebook account was suspended and asked me to verify my friends photos. But actually I was unable to because most of photos were tagged. What now? 

Facebook provide another way to confirm your identity by uploading a valid scanned ID. Below are the steps I used to verify my Facebook account:

1. Login to your Facebook account.

2. It will show that you may be using another person identity and ask you to verify your real identity. Click on Continue.

how to verify photos verification of facebook, fb photos verification trick

3.  Write CAPTCHA letters and click on continue.

4. Click on Start.

5. Identify the photos of friends and name it and click on Submit. If you don't know photos then click on skip. You may skip 2 times.

6. If you have identified all the 5 photos, Facebook will welcome you back.

7. But if you failed in Facebook photo verification, click on I'm having trouble with this method.

8. Click on Submit a Request.

9. Fill your name same as Facebook ID.

10. Choose scanned ID to upload.

11. Enter Country name in which ID were issued.

12. Click on Send.

Now you have to wait for confirmation from Facebook team. If you have real ID and all your information is correct, your suspended Facebook id will be open. It may take 5-10 days to get your account back.

Facebook photo verification post was requested by most of people. So, here I'm with "How to verify photos on facebook to get my account back". If it helps you, Click Like below. Thanks. 

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