The Worst Web Outages Of 2014

Lots of big companies have experienced significant downtime this year. In January, storage and syncing service Dropbox experienced technical problems following a routine server upgrade that went wrong. The service was offline for around three hours and it took a couple of days for full access to be restored to all users.

In June, Facebook went down across the globe and remained inaccessible for around half an hour. That might not sound like long, but it was the worst outage the social network had experienced since 2010 when it went down for two and a half hours. In August, Facebook suffered another outage, along with Instagram, but this was only a short one.

Google was hit by technical problems in July. with a “500” error that scuppered web searches along with some of the web giant’s services. The mobi’e version of Google remained unaffected.

BBC iPlayer experienced problems in July that also affected iPlayer Radio and audio and video playback on other parts of the BBC’s website. It took a couple of days for the service to get back to normal.

In August, numerous sites, including eBay, became briefly inaccessible as a result of technical issues affecting older internet routers. Some routers only allow for a maximum of 512k routes (524,288 to be exact) for their Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) tables, and when that limit was reached the routers slowed or shut down. 
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