Clean Up Your Android Device With CCleaner

Good Evening Readers! Everyone’s favorite clean-up tool CCleaner is now available to use on Android for the first time. The beta release lets you manage your browser history, application cache and clipboard as well as clear call logs and texts from a single screen with familiar Analyze and Clean options.

With other useful tools including the facility to monitor your processor, memory, storage space and battery levels, developer Piriform claims the app will keep your device running as good as new.

Additional features, such as process management, memory cleaning and cleaning of custom folders, will be released imminently. You can try the beta app now by joining the CCleaner for Android Beta community at and clicking ‘Become a Tester’. Piriform hasn't  mentioned an IOS  version yet, so iPhone and iPad  users shouldn't  hold their breath.  But we're delighted that  CCleaner has finally arrived on  mobile to give our cluttered tablets and phones a thorough tidying up. 

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