Convert PDF Text to Speech

Hey guys, have you ever wondered that how you can read a pdf file without get bored. Usually when we read a pdf file and its large, for large I mean to say that more pages then we get bore after reading few pages but what if your PC read it for you?  Isn’t awesome listing a pdf file? But how to listen a pdf file is important.

In this post I’m going to tell you how to convert pdf text into voice. Just follow this post.

Minimum Requirement: 

You don’t have to install any converter like text to speech converter and blah blah blah… tools.  You just need Adobe PDF Reader 6.0 or later version.

How to make system read PDF file in form of voice:

Open the PDF file with adobe reader 6 or later version.

Click on view option and then click on Read Out Loud.

Click on Activate Read Out Loud.

Click on Read to End of File if you want to read from beginning to end of the pdf file or Click on Read This Page Only for reading specific page.

Now you’ll hear voice from your speakers. PDF will be read in form of voice now.

You can pause it or stop it by clicking on Pause or Stop option.

Video tutorial on how to convert PDF text into voice:

That’s all. Thanks for reading.
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