Keep Your PC or Laptop Cool

PCs generally use fans to keep their insides cool, so it’s important to make sure these are working and aren't clogged up with dust or grime. Ensure there’s plenty of space around the fans for the warm air being pushed out of the back of the computer to escape into the room. A lot of people think a good way to cool down a PC is to remove the case, and you can understand the thinking behind it, but this can draw in more dust and grime and clog up the fans, causing it to run hotter in the long term.

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To remove dust from the tans, shut down your PC and use a compressed air spray (or balloon pump) to blow the detritus clear. It’s worth using a vacuum cleaner to suck out all the loose dirt and hair, but keep it clear of components.

If your fans aren't up to the job you can upgrade them. Most PC component shops sell replacements. You could also install additional ones if your case has the space.

You can buy specialty cooling equipment for PCs, which is worth considering if heat is a problem, or you have a powerful gaming rig. 

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