Chrome Extension To Find Items And Bargains On eBay

If you haven’t visited eBay for a while, the Chrome extension Fast Search for eBay could lure you back, by providing a speedier, more flexible alternative to the site’s built-in search facility. Click the tool bar button to launch the add-on, then enter a search term and specify a category to look in. You can sort results by price, most or fewest bids, new listings and ending soon; filter them by seller location and free delivery; and click View or Watch to open an item’s page on eBay or save it to look at later. 

Download Chrome Extension For Fast Search On eBay

There’s also a Deals section that highlights the latest discounts on the site. You’ll need to go into Settings to switch to eBay UK, and the popular list only covers the US store, but otherwise the extension offers a marvellous way to find bargains quickly. 
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